I did my bachelor's degree in Information and Communication Technology (Engineering) from Mawlana Bhashani University of Technology. I did competitive programming during my degree and participated in many online competitions. I have solved over 1600 problems from various online judges. I have a deep understanding of data structures and algorithms. I have also done some projects using Asp.net core framework, Django and Servlet framework.
BSc(Engg): Information and Communication Technology, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University,Tangail.
Hsc: Science, Major General Mahmudul Hasan Adarsha College,Tangail.
SSC: Science, Bindu Basini Govt. Boys' High School, Tangail.
A web-based systems supporting base crud operation that allows multiple role management (Admin,Customer) to admin Can pereform Crud operatin on books. There is a shopping cart for the customer.
Technology: Asp.net Core, Entity Framework Core, Html5, Css3, Javascript, Microfost SQL server.
My personal Portfolio
Technology: Html5, Css3, Javascript
A web-based systems supporting base crud operation that allows multiple role management (Admin,teacher,student) to teacher and admin arrange online quiz and to student attend quiz.
Technology: Django, Html5, Css3,Bootstrap, Javascript , Mysql.